A traditional Chinese dragon, showing its upper body, with a colorful body like watercolors, flying through the clouds and fog, against a background of Chinese red.

"A traditional Chinese dragon, showing its upper body, with a colorful body like watercolors, flying through the clouds and fog, against a background of Chinese red."


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杨柯给您拜年了过年祝小朋友新的一年快乐健康成长YIMU易慕龙年的童趣春节 背景色 - 使用温暖的红色作为背景的竖形图片,象征着节日的喜庆和热烈。 主要元素 - **龙:** 设计一条风格可爱、形态圆润的卡通龙,身体呈蜿蜒形状,用更亮的红色、金色和绿色作为它的鳞片颜色,让它看起来既庄重又充满趣味。 - **儿童:** 设计两个或三个穿着传统节日服饰(如唐装或旗袍)的儿童,他们正欢笑着与龙互动,一个可能正在骑在龙的背上,另一个可能正拿着彩带与龙嬉戏。 - **可爱元素:** 添加一些如樱花、灯笼或烟花等元素围绕在龙和儿童周围,增添节日的气氛。确保这些元素的设计风格也偏向圆润可爱,以保持整体风格的一致性。 文字设计 - 在图片的适当位置(如上方或下方的中央)添加“恭喜发财”、“龙年大吉”等传统祝福语。字体可以选择具有中国传统特色的书法字体,用金色来增加喜庆感。 整体风格 - 整个设计应保持明亮、温馨和活泼的风格,通过使用圆润的线条和鲜明的色彩搭配,传达出新春的喜悦和对未来的美好祝愿。一条花片做的中国龙A close-up illustration of a Chinese dragon during the Spring Festival, set against a backdrop of dazzling fireworks, creating a festive and prosperous atmosphere, conveying joyful and excited emotions, in a modern festive style. Special note: 李大宝 平安喜乐,快乐每一天大少女龙宝公主请看烟花uu可爱的龙qwe财神飞龙在天五个男生,一个女生勾肩搭背平安喜乐"Chinese dragon is laughing, Chinesepaper-cut, festive,red theme along with ultimate frisbeedragon原神龙年大吉a Chinese girl riding on a Chinese dragon, New Year's card, hatching, genshin impact, design proposal, high quality --ar 3:4 --niji 5冰天雪地里生长出的冰蓝色玫瑰花,暗色调,低饱和一个可爱的小女孩在给爷爷拜年老鹰捕猎,右上角加上鹰猎交易系统字样双子星可爱的龙快乐大家庭我给大家拜年喜庆的中国年猫 龙Style: Modern style Lighting: Soft, warm ambient lighting complemented by subtle LED light effects Environment: Modern wedding venue with fashionable and futuristic design elements Artists: Annie Leibovitz, Mario Testino Medium: Digital photography Colors: Soft pink tones with vibrant and futuristic color accents Emotions: Romantic, intimate, strong sense of technology Nationality: Chinese Composition: Focus on the newlyweds, capturing their love and the modern wedding scene Camera model and lens: Nikon Z7 II + 50mm prime lens小笼包龙重登场ppt新潮 国际 融合 异域风情 龙年吉祥 东南亚 贸易 科技龙年 烟花爆竹 可爱卡通小女孩 新年快乐"龙腾虎跃一个坐在滑翔伞上准备起飞的漂亮女孩,准备给大家撒一些红包帕鲁蒂森克虏伯一个新年红包封面一张三口赛博朋克新海诚的你的名字风格的龙年红包"Chinese dragon is laughing, Chinesepaper-cut, festive,red themealong with ultimate frisbee中国龙美女龙年大吉~龙娃嬉戏站着的,大眼睛,可爱俏皮的扎着两个小辫的中国宝宝,拿着百元大钞给长辈拜年洋丰肥料一只狗飞龙在天龙年LOL一家人吃团圆饭哆啦A梦岭根龙年动漫海贼王hellokitty一家5口新年快乐

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