Style: Modern Style Lighting: Soft, warm ambient lighting with futuristic LED light effects Environment: High-tech wedding venue with simple and stylish design Artists: Annie Leibovitz, Mario Testino Medium: Digital photography Colors: Soft pink tones complemented by futuristic and metallic hues Emotions: Fusion of romance and cutting-edge technology Composition: Focus on the genuine emotions of the newlyweds and modern wedding scenes Camera Model and Lens: Nikon Z7 II + 35mm prime lens


"Style: Modern Style Lighting: Soft, warm ambient lighting with futuristic LED light effects Environment: High-tech wedding venue with simple and stylish design Artists: Annie Leibovitz, Mario Testino Medium: Digital photography Colors: Soft pink tones complemented by futuristic and metallic hues Emotions: Fusion of romance and cutting-edge technology Composition: Focus on the genuine emotions of the newlyweds and modern wedding scenes Camera Model and Lens: Nikon Z7 II + 35mm prime lens"


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迪士尼烟花中国山水画风格深山一大片茶田乔木中漂亮采茶女跟小龙采摘茶叶相互笑着说龙年快乐媛媛生日快乐金龙华子🐲猪饲料龙凤呈祥,新年大吉,万事如意中国龙保温杯里泡枸杞 封面包含林宝宝新年快乐字样,无图案,使用微软雅黑给我生成一个程序员的红包封面拜年悟空数码宝贝 喷火龙 2024 中国春节元素risograph,Chinese dragon painted by Maud Lewis.very cute Chinese dragon, Head close-up,n, abstractsimple lines, illustration,Picasso, Multi-color,advanced color matching, red background 东方青龙,山海经,奇幻抱着美金的中国龙可爱的小男孩在庆祝中国新年龙腾虎跃龙腾四海,金壁辉煌美女沐浴在朝阳的圣光中eating a burrito一个在咖啡店写代码的小男孩龙行龘龘大PBИркутск сегодня恭喜发财龙年祥和的气氛,一家三口,在充满烟火的天空下吃年夜饭请以企鹅加过中国新年为主题面码中国龙在上海清明节中国龙情人节王一博承德相关的龙年红包封面a female chineses dragon just like human攻克机动队 龙年  春节烘焙咒术回战四海龙王海贼王杨梓桐,新年快乐摇滚乐与中国龙龙飞凤舞龙年吉祥,平安喜乐Chinese dragon painted by Wu Guanzhong, very cute dragon, close-up head, ink artistic conception, abstract simple lines, illustration, Picasso, pink color, white background, 18k --ar 3:4 --v 6.0春节,威武的龙,波光粼粼冲天的龙老虎万物有灵疾旋鼬一条可爱的中国龙,捧着一个礼盒,春节,大师设计海报,高细节,图片尺寸 3:4锦鲤飞跃文字是崔换最美,美少女,可爱风爸爸,妈妈和女儿共同乘坐一条龙舟在热带沙滩上一个拟人卡通的小兔子,他在拜年,他的背后一条中国龙影视工业背景,这种主要出现梵西映画祝福,龙腾虎跃胸"Chinese dragon is laughing, Chinesepaper-cut, festive,red themealong with ultimate frisbee

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