red Chinese dragon disney animation characters by zaha yun and, red background, disney style, alejandro jodorowsky, movie poster, zbrush, Minimalism, close-up, two dimensional, twisted characters, --ar 1:1 --style raw --v 6


"red Chinese dragon disney animation characters by zaha yun and, red background, disney style, alejandro jodorowsky, movie poster, zbrush, Minimalism, close-up, two dimensional, twisted characters, --ar 1:1 --style raw --v 6"


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团圆饭生成一个百灵鸟在森林里的红包封面龙的传人 设计元素:龙的图案、中国结、福字等传统元素,以及代表现代科技的二维码或微信图标。中新工联中国清洁能源行业专业服务品牌祝清洁能源行业同仁龙年大吉中国联通带苏字的龙龙年大吉杉岩数据祝大家新年快乐ลิง龙宝宝小女孩抱着金币,身后是一条中国龙,非常喜庆的氛围我在除夕加班8个开心的中国青年 是好兄弟 有高有矮 有胖有瘦 站在一起烘焙广州塔 一家四口有龙,有福字,红色为主,卡通,画面尽量干净简单,能看出欣欣向荣的意思butterfly, 鞭炮,红灯笼,宝宝涩图龙和蛇男同龙金色的龙,非常的喜庆红包雨的封面父亲节龙年大吉1女孩,气泡,黑头发,气泡,焦散,鱼,嘴唇,长发,部分淹没,独奏,淹没,水下,水,海浪火星来客请帮我画一个喜庆氛围的漫天烟花的图片,要求含有中国传统的龙元素站着的,大眼睛,可爱俏皮的扎着两个小辫的中国宝宝,拿着百元大钞给长辈拜年五月天大鸡腿春种一粒粟  秋收万颗子  四海无闲田 农夫犹饿死龙年动态李志小羊和小猪首先,选择浓艳的红色作为主色调,渲染出柔和的云纹背景,以突显节日氛围。其次,描绘一只栩栩如生的中国龙,注重细节,可选择传统的龙图案或者根据个性化喜好进行设计。加入祝福语“大辉祝您新春快乐”,文字颜色可选用金色或白色,以与红色背景相协调。为增强视觉效果,添加3D效果,使图像更加生动立体,尤其在龙和文字部分突出立体感。同时,在龙的表情和姿势上注入一些可爱元素,比如微笑或俏皮的眼神,以增添亲和力。确保整体风格协调一致,使红包封面既庄重典雅,又不失可爱和喜庆。龙年本命年顺利一个富人给穷人钱龙马精神atri兔子远去.金龙飞来,迪士尼风格皮卡晨新年快乐龙年烟花吴姓 祠堂"The number "2024" and a frisbee are centered at the bottom, and a golden elephant and a golden Chinese dragon interact to form a vivid, well-designed New Year poster with Chinese elements."Chinese style Year of the Dragon red envelope cover, gold coin rain elements, 3D stereoscopic, the style should be overbearing but not lose the Chinese Year of the Dragon style, red and gold as the main colours, the form of posters,小笼包飞机 空中交通管制 浅田真央,花样滑冰,唯美generate a childrens book cover Goodnight Little Me Personalized Book小马骑在龙身上,加个仓库icon,红色背景新年 龙 红色三体,龙年热闹的街市由山水画为主题,拼凑出蔡徐坤Style: Modern style Lighting: Soft, warm ambient lighting complemented by subtle LED light effects Environment: Modern wedding venue with fashionable and futuristic design elements Artists: Annie Leibovitz, Mario Testino Medium: Digital photography Colors: Soft pink tones with vibrant and futuristic color accents Emotions: Romantic, intimate, strong sense of technology Nationality: Chinese Composition: Focus on the newlyweds, capturing their love and the modern wedding scene Camera model and lens: Nikon Z7 II + 50mm prime lens朝杰古建龙龙行大运复仇者联盟

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